John Lim
John 6:25-33 (1 of 4)
“The Work of God is This”
Almost everyone knows this miracle of Jesus feeding the Five Thousand with five small barley loaves and two small fish. This is the one miracle, apart from the resurrection, found in all four Gospels.
The passage we read this morning is actually taking place soon after that spectacular miracle of feeding the five thousand. Also after the feeding of the five thousand, Jesus had walked on the water to His disciples’ amazement. Apparently, the people who had been part of the five thousand now actively sought Jesus after finding out that neither Jesus nor His disciples were around. They also got into the boats and went to
As we go through this journey of life, we are driven by some kind of purpose and meaning. We strive hard to attain certain level of education, social position and economic stature. We often ask our young folks what they want to be when they grow up. We have guidance counselors at high schools providing much needed guidance on what the young folks want to achieve and accomplish as their future vocation.
We are pursuing something and more often than not have set certain goals in our lives and we do our best to achieve them. We know that life without purpose can be somewhat frustrating and confusing.
In the excitement of witnessing a tremendous miracle, ordinary people were curious and found themselves strangely and powerfully drawn to this Jesus of Nazareth. Perhaps it is not unlike the fascination we have with famous celebrities and powerful people. I suppose it is human nature to be drawn to celebrities and famous people.
In a similar manner, people were drawn to Jesus. Perhaps they did not know why but still wanted to pursue Jesus. Perhaps, they thought whatever they were seeking, Jesus might have the answer. So they had gotten into the boats and went in search of this seemingly elusive Jesus.
So, we now come upon this passage where they found him on the other side of the lake. Look with me in John 6:25 of what they say.
“When they found him on the other side of the lake, they asked him,” “Rabbi,” “When did you get here?”
Before we begin to examine this passage carefully, let’s establish some ground rules. Jesus is both human and God at the same time. He has his divine nature as well as his human nature. He is perfect Son of God who came to be with us in human flesh and bones. Because he has divine nature, he is omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent. He is all present, all knowing, and all powerful.
This really means that He is able to look right through people. He does not mince his words but gives his straight answer. The people’s inquiry of Jesus seems innocent enough but Jesus’ answer is somewhat perplexing or even harsh. Look at verse 26.
“Jesus answered, “I tell you the truth, you are looking for me, not because you saw miraculous signs but because you ate the loaves and had your fill.”
Jesus is telling them a very straight forward truth about what they were doing by seeking him. Our Lord Jesus sees what is in their heart and soul. And he does not shy away from telling them exactly what they need to hear for what he says is absolutely the truth.
People were flocking to Him because He met their physical needs. People who sought him and got into the boats to cross the lake and found him did not have any true noble reason. They were basically just looking for a free lunch.
Is that what our Lord Jesus really is to people? He is just a free lunch provider? Even today, we have people looking for Jesus to meet their perceived physical needs. In essence, it is not that there is something wrong when we seek Jesus for what we feel and believe is our needs.
We offer prayers on behalf of health, life, happiness, marriage, children, education, careers, prosperity and peace. We seek Jesus for many of these things. But is that what Jesus is all about? Is Jesus about giving us health, wealth, happiness and self fulfillment? Are we seeking Jesus because we are in need of His healing for our hurts, broken relationship, and failed attempts?
Among those people who sought Jesus on that fateful day, I am sure their perceived needs included all these things that I’ve mentioned and more. I am sure there were some who had been disillusioned with their own lives and sought some kind of refuge in Jesus. I am sure there were some who had been deeply hurt in their relationships searching for some kind of answer in Jesus. Perhaps there were some who sought him for various issues in their lives.
But what our Lord Jesus Christ tells them next is quite extraordinary. Look at verse 27.
“Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you. On Him, God the Father has placed his seal of approval.”
What Jesus challenges them is to look beyond their perceived needs of this life. He challenges them to look beyond this physical life and ponder greater dimension of what that life entails.
People were amazed and they were impressed with the miraculous feeding of the five thousand but Jesus is challenging them to lift their eyes from their perceived physical needs and consider eternal consequences for what they are pursuing in the present life.
How often we find ourselves working furiously for food that spoils. At times we find ourselves busy with everything else except what truly matters. It is only when we are reminded of finiteness of life through death of our loved ones, and someone dear and near to us, we temporarily take our eyes off the track and then soon find ourselves once again busy in the matters of our present life and circumstances. We just want a small dosage of true reality but are not really interested in more than that.
Jesus through his dialogue with those who sought him is pointing out the truth about life and what he came to do.
Because of life’s pressing needs, we exercise prudence and common sense measures to ensure we will be able to carry on with our lives after our work days are done. So we work hard while we can and look forward to our upcoming retirements and golden years with our kids and grand kids.
I don’t believe Jesus is teaching us that we should not be concerned about those things or prepare for that time but He is addressing our tendency to focus only on this life instead of giving more serious attention to life after this life we are living presently.
What we work for in this life is for food that spoils. When we work at our various jobs either here or elsewhere, we receive appropriate compensation. With that compensation, we purchase a certain standard of life we can afford. But regardless of how much we have, we are busy working for “food” that spoils.
Our material goods from food, clothes, furniture, cars, and houses all spoil eventually. Everything we work for in this life is that which spoils in the end. Can we come up with one thing that does not spoil but that endures?
Jesus challenges people to work for food that endures to eternal life. And then he says something interesting after that. He says that food which endures to eternal life is which the Son of Man will give them. Now, that is a very bold claim. He not only challenges them to work for food that endures to eternal life but that matter of fact, he will give them this food. On one hand, Jesus is telling them not to work for food that spoils but to work for that food which endures to eternal life.
All of a sudden, peoples’ ears were piqued and they were following what he said. So the stage is set for the next logical inquiry by the people. Look at verse 28.
Then they asked him, “What must we do to do the works that God requires?”
They did not realize at this point what they have done for generations of people to come after them. What they asked Jesus with this question is quite profound.
“What must we do to do the works that God requires?” This question is at the heart of all mankind who dwells on earth. In every man or woman, there is this longing for the answer to this question. Tell us what to do and we will do them. Give us the list of all the things that we must do to earn favor with God. Please give us the list no matter how long and how difficult, we will do them. What do we need to do? Just tell us and we will carry them out. But this is not His answer.
And we know for a fact that a lots of well intentioned religions can come up with lists that includes everything from how much to give, how often we need to come to the church, how many chapters of the Bible we should read, how many times to pray, and etc.
We all have this inherent need in us to want to do the work that God requires. God’s fingerprint is all over us, His creation. We were made in His image by His hand. We are His creation yet we constantly fight to suppress this notion. We want to believe we are free and independent from God. But at the end of the day, our hearts continue to find unrest as we struggle to find meaning in our existence. We will never find true peace or meaning for our existence apart from God.
We come to that final conclusion that indeed we did not come from unicellular organism through millions of years of evolution but that we were created in His image for His purpose as God tells us in His Word.
And within the deepest part of our soul and our being, we have this unquenchable thirst and insatiable need to do the works that our creator, God requires.
How often, this very basic need of mankind was taken advantage of by unscrupulous religious leaders and movements for their own purposes! Even today, we see this happening all around us. Somehow when God’s name is invoked, people tend to believe in whatever they are asked to do because they want to do the work that God requires of them. No matter how difficult or no matter how sacrificial it is, people are willing to do this if it meant that they are doing the work that God requires of them.
Do you see the danger with this kind of internal struggle that takes place in our heart? No matter what people say, deeply seated in their heart is this perpetual longing to want to do the work that God requires. Everyone wants to be “right” with God no matter what they say with their mouths. There is that yearning in all of us to want to please.
When we were growing up, we wanted to please our parents with our accomplishments and achievements. From learning to ride a bicycle to making A’s in school, who can forget that proud moment when our parents’ faces beamed with pride for something that we were able to do and how much joy and happiness that we felt.
As we age and mature, that desire in us to want to please someone other than ourselves continue to drive us to great feats of accomplishments. In some sense this can be very positive as we strive to do our best to fully maximize our potential. However, there is also the dark side in this as well. There is a danger in that we become more performance oriented. And this invariably affects our thinking in the area of our relationship to God as well. We think of God in the same way we think of our earthly bosses and hierarchical chain that we are trying to please and earn favor.
So we are grateful for this question people asked Jesus 2,000 years ago in
The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.”
What an answer! The work of God is to believe in the one He has sent. Can we get any more simple answer from Jesus Christ than that? Such a simple and profound answer that Jesus gave them went right over their head. Instead of pondering this simple truth, they continue to ask further question. Let’s see verse 30-31.
“So they asked him, “What miraculous sign then will you give that we may see it and believe you? What will you do? Our forefathers ate the manna in the desert; as it is written: “He gave them bread from heaven to eat.”
This is the picture of mankind in all his ignorance. People are still hung up on physical needs. People are asking Jesus to show them miraculous sign to believe what He says is true. They mention their forefathers eating manna in the desert for 40 years.
They are basically saying to Jesus, “Our forefathers ate the manna in the desert and the Scripture says, “He gave them bread from heaven to eat.” Can you top that? That is quite a challenge. What does Jesus say to this? Look at verse 32.
“Jesus said to them. “I tell you the truth, it is not Moses who has given you the bread from heaven, but it is my Father who gives you the true bread from heaven.”
Here begins a very intriguing dialogue with the people regarding the manna and what that manna represents. For the people, the miracle of Manna from heaven for 40 years in the desert is the single most impressive miracle that no one can top. God had provided that bread from heaven for sustenance for numerous Israelites for 40 years in their sojourn in the desert. What can possibly be greater miracle than this?
So Jesus is telling them that their basic premise to begin with is already in error. It is not Moses but God who provided them with their daily sustenance while they were in desert. As much as the people were enamored with the idea of Manna from heaven, Jesus simply points out that it is God who gives them the true bread from heaven. So then, what is the true bread?
The manna they ate in the desert is really the shadow of the true bread from heaven. Jesus is teaching them this greater truth regarding the manna. Look at verse 33.
“For the bread of God is he who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world.”
What a shocking revelation! This would have just floored everyone who heard him say this. Obviously, Jesus is referring to Himself. Jesus states very calmly that this bread of God is Jesus Himself who came down from heaven and gives life to the world.
Today, as we ponder this passage and marvel at our Lord’s clear teaching, we ask ourselves if we are always looking for more complicated answer than the simple one that our Lord gives us.
How often we struggle to get right with God and do what is required of us. We substitute this work of God with what we think are such instead of taking Jesus at His word.
The work of God is to believe on the one God has sent. And God sent His Son Jesus Christ that we may believe on Him. There is no other answer. We do not need to make this any more complicated than this. We believe in Jesus Christ, the One God sent to us who gives life to the world. He is the true bread from heaven.
Believing in Jesus Christ is how we receive eternal life. There is no other way to attain eternal life. Our life here on earth will eventually come to an end. For some, it will come sooner than later. For some, it will come later than sooner. No one knows that hour of our departure from this life.
However, one thing we know for certain is that no matter when that hour comes, when we believe in Jesus Christ, we will receive this gift of eternal life and we will depart this life without any fear or reservation knowing that our soul is safe with our Lord Jesus Christ.
The message of the Gospel that is so unique and different from all other is so simple and so clear that it confuses a lot of people. Because of our sinful human nature to make things always more complicated than what it is, we add our own human requirements to this simple message of the Gospel. Anytime we start adding extra ingredient to what we must do to receive our eternal salvation, we’ve done great disservice to God’s provision for eternal salvation and causes great harm to the integrity of the message of the Gospel.
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